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This page demonstrates on how to setup ones own server, including scripting custom gamemodes.

Start a basic server

First, download the latest server.jar.

Then run it with: java -jar server.jar

Additional options

Option Description
headless Runs without a graphical interface. Useful for running a dedicated server
port Specifies what port to run on. Defaults to 6767
name The name of the server
private Skips registering to the master server. Note that your port must be accessible to do this anyways
nossl Skips SSL if there is a key.pem and a cert.pem file available
level Specify what level should be launched. Defaults to hazmat.tmx
script Specify what script should be loaded. Defaults to the script found in the level config. You can provide your own Lua script here if placed adjacent to your server.jar
maxplayers The maximum number of players that can join your server. Defaults to unlimited players

Run a dedicated headless server

If you want to run a server all the time, it is useful to run your server as headless and setup a service so it will restart if it fails for some reason.

Download - this is a bash script that will install a service which continuously runs your server. It requires systemd to be available.

Adding SSL

Simply add your "key.pem" and "cert.pem" adjacent to the "server.jar".

It will tell you that the certificate was found and SSL will automatically be enabled for your server.

Note that the client must be using HTTPS for this to work.


Writing a simple gamemode

Without any script loaded, any player who joins the game will only be allowed to spectate. Most of the game rules are all scripted with Lua.

Below is an example of a sandbox gamemode where you spawn as a human with 5000 coins. There isn't too much to it, but it is very easy to expand on.

Try saving it as sandbox.lua next to your server.jar, then running the server with: java -jar server.jar script="sandbox.lua"

setup_default_game = dofile("scripts/modules/setup_default_game.lua")
simple_shop = dofile("scripts/modules/simple_shop.lua")
local shop = addSimpleShop()

-- Sandbox gamemode
    gameMode = "Sandbox",
    gameDescription = [===[There is no specific aim with this gamemode.
Press B to open the shop.
You start with a lot of money!]===],
    friendlyFire = "true",
    spawnItems = "false",

-- Spawn players when they join the game

-- Just returns an inventory with 5000 coins
function getHumanStartInventory()
    local inventory = {}

    table.insert(inventory, {
    type = "coin",
    quantity = 5000

    return inventory

-- Spawns a peer as a human
function handleSpawnPeer(peer)
    local inventory = getHumanStartInventory()

    spawnPeerWithTimerAndCounter(peer, playerSpawnDelay, "Human", Level:getRandomSpawnPoint("playerSpawn"), "Respawning in" ,function(human)
        spawnPeerHuman(peer, human)
    end, inventory)

-- When the player is spawned, add a death respawn listener and let the peer control the human
function spawnPeerHuman(peer, human)


Lua Reference

It is possible to write your very own gamemodes for your server using Lua.

See the Lua Reference for a list of all the available commands.
